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Quality Policy

Quality Policy

The Directors of Leanfa S.r.l., in line with the organization’s aims, have defined the Quality and Safety Policy in order to have a structural framework for defining and periodically reviewing quality objectives and pursuing continuous improvement of the Integrated System (IS).
To this end, the Management has adopted a Quality Management System, based on the requirements defined in the international standard ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 9001:2015, and is committed to implementing the specifications set out in the technical standards that can be implemented.
The following strategic objectives have been established, measurable and consistent with the integrated quality and safety policy, which are to be pursued through the Integrated System Manual, in order to:

  • ensure compliance with and fulfilment of customer and applicable mandatory requirements, also assessing any stakeholders that may influence this compliance with requirements, with continuous monitoring;
  • increase customer satisfaction and guarantee the expected products and services;
  • address the risks and opportunities associated with Leanfa's objectives and context;
  • demonstrate, also from a documentary point of view, compliance with the requirements of the management system;
  • maintain the effectiveness of the integrated management system;
  • monitor and review external and internal factors that may influence its integrated management system;
  • optimize costs and improve internal efficiency;
  • increase presence in new markets and consolidate sales in traditional markets;
  • formulate targets for continuous improvement in quality performance;
  • comply with the requirements of the management system;
  • keep up to date with the technical standards of the sector and apply them
  • prepare and maintain safety requirements within the building for Leanfa's own and external goods

  • In order to pursue the aforementioned objectives, the Sole Administrator assumes the responsibility and authority of:
    • establish a management system capable of pursuing the strategic objectives defined in this policy;
    • report annually in the Management Review on the pursuit of these objectives (including proposals for improvement); and
    • promote awareness of customer requirements on the part of Leanfa S.r.l. and delegate:
    • to the Management Representative the responsibility and authority of:
      • ensure that the processes required for the system are documented
      • report to the Management on the effectiveness of the System and any need for improvement;
      • ensuring the promotion of awareness of regulatory and system requirements throughout the organization;
    • the Integrated Management Director the responsibility and authority of:
      • draw up company procedures;
      • perform internal audits;
      • report to the Management on the progress of the Integrated System in the input documents to the Management Review;
      • verify the correct implementation of all the remaining tools of the self-control system (including proposals for improvement).
    • to Functional Managers the responsibility and authority:
      • of the application of the IS as far as it is within their competence with the obligation to report annually to the Management on the quality performance in their area of competence (including proposals for improvement) in supporting the Management Manager in the preparation of the input documents for the Management Review.

    From the point of view of safety in the workplace, Leanfa S.r.l. considers the protection of health and safety a corporate value and aims to promote and maintain a high level of safety for all work activities carried out on Leanfa S.r.l.’s premises.
    To this end, the Management has adopted an Occupational Health and Safety Management System, based on the requirements defined by the international standard ISO 45001:2018, in order to ensure full implementation of this Policy and is committed to implementing and continuously improving working conditions in the areas where Leanfa S.r.l. employees work.

    Leanfa S.r.l. aims to protect and promote the health and safety of its workers, and therefore undertakes to:
    • comply with current legislation and future health and safety requirements, through the constant updating of machinery, equipment and operating instructions;
    • provide the best equipment, machinery and plant available on the market, based on proven technical knowledge;
    • prevent accidents that could cause damage to property and/or persons, through careful risk assessment that takes into account the activities performed, the equipment and materials used;
    • take all health and safety measures necessary to reduce risks where their elimination is not possible;
    • issue the necessary operating and safety procedures to ensure health and safety in the workplace;
    • evaluate workers' performance also on the basis of the attention paid to safety;
    • promote among its employees a sense of responsibility, competence and awareness of health and safety protection through education, information and training courses;
    • prepare procedures, resources and training programs for personnel in charge of managing emergencies and accidents that may occur during the performance of work activities;
    • communicate to all stakeholders all the information necessary to understand the risks arising from the activities, to protect the health and safety of all operators involved;
    • annually set objectives oriented towards the continuous improvement of working conditions, drawing up implementation programs, providing the tools for achieving these objectives and making the personnel involved responsible at the various levels for implementing these programs;
    • verify, at least once a year, the results achieved by assessing the effectiveness of the Management System adopted with respect to this Policy.

    The objectives that the company aims to achieve with the adoption of this Policy require the active and responsible participation of company personnel.
    The Policy is communicated to all members of the organization during training sessions on the application of the Integrated Management System and its understanding within the organization is verified during internal audits.
    This Policy is made available to authorities, the public, customers and suppliers.

LEANFA Srl unipersonale
Via C. A. Dalla Chiesa, 6
70037 Ruvo di Puglia (BARI) ITALY
Tel: +39(0)804042874

Shaping Energy Waves
LEANFA Srl unipersonale
Via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, 6
70037 Ruvo di Puglia (BARI)
Tel: +39 0804042874
Part.Iva / VAT 07638540729
Cap. Soc. € 30.000 I.V.
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