Our first experiment with Country Reports has been more interesting than expected, a clear sign of the Companies’ interest in export. 21 Companies, all Italian, have applied for our document dedicated to South Africa. Only six Companies have never faced foreign markets, 8 have tried to export their products without success, and the remaining 7 have already exported, but never to South Africa. As for their sector of activity, eight Companies come from the world of agro-food, 4 operate in clothes production, 3 provide products for the hotel and catering sector, 3 produce solutions for public and private healthcare, 2 develop software solutions for different applications and one deals with innovative applications in the field of ecology. After dealing with Companies that have contacted us, it has soon been clear that they needed to understand exactly the dynamics of export, to assess its risks, to estimate its costs but especially to analyze the impact on their Organizations of a strong business orientation towards export. It is not guaranteed that South Africa is a good market for each of the listed Companies, but no doubt the dialogue with each of them has been very instructive and indeed represents the starting point of a journey, in which Leanfa will act as a guide to the international markets, which always pay special attention to high-quality `Made in Italy` products. In order to even better clarify the export concepts, we will shortly provide an “export check-up” document, very useful to a rapid assessment of the international potential of Italian companies.
LEANFA designs and manufactures state-of-the-art Solid-StateOEM Microwave and Radiofrequency Generators and Power Amplifiers, in particular for Industrial, Scientific and Medical application...