stand-by or even
stop. These are unfortunately the most common words used during worldwide business meetings this year, representing unavoidable drifts from original project plans.
Indeed, we have been affected by the global slowdown but, in the meanwhile, LEANFA’s team has constantly kept pushing on the
solid-state microwave technological roadmap.
Our R&D team is focused toward the increasingly near horizon of intelligent
RF ENERGY applications, governed by accurate and flexible microwave generators, paired with modern digital control brains, real-time sensing elements and advanced interactive algorithms.
RF Energy is not simply generating microwave fields, it is much more! RF Energy is the capability to maximally exploit the added value of solid-state technology by providing powerful modular microwave generation platforms to achieve accurate and smart thermal profiles engineering.
After the successful adoption of our 250W 2450MHz generator in many ISM applications and after continuous learning from our customers feedback, we have released for production our
500W 2450MHz solid-state generator, conceived for high reliability and for advanced processing, particularly oriented towards industrial heating of food and many other temperature-sensitive targets.
Have a look at our
datasheet and start soon planning your new future-proof RF Energy application, we are eager to support you through calls, tips, drawings, evaluation kits and software tools, everything to quickly allow you a true plug&play experience!