Home Company Industrial Scientific Medical Consulting News Contacts

Until today
We have completed numerous food processing experiments with demanding Companies operating in the field and we are cooperating with international R&D groups to experiment innovative solutions in the field of medical equipment, in the production of pharmaceuticals/nutraceuticals, in the production of nanostructures and in plasma generation.
Nov 2023
New R&D lab in Orvieto
Nov 2023
ISO 13485:2016 Certification granted
Aug 2023
First FDA 510k certification obtained for RF medical device
Oct 2022
Acquisition into the Muegge Group
Jan 2020
Corporate Membership in IMPI (International Microwave Power Institute)
Sep 2019
Affiliation in AMPERE (Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education)
Dec 2017
ISO 9001:2015 Certification granted
Apr 2017
AEOF European Certification granted.
Nov 2016
First prize “Best Export Promise” at the national “Export2Succeed” Award by UPS.
Dec 2015
Custom implementation, ordered by the Technion Research Center (Haifa, Israel) of a generator+probes kit for scientific experimentation with a hybrid RF and Microwave technique.
Jun 2015
Special award by the Technical Committee at the “Best Practices Award" by Confindustria with the KOPERNICOOK® project that revolutionizes the food processing industry.
Jul 2014
Company foundation


LEANFA designs and manufactures state-of-the-art Solid-State OEM Microwave and Radiofrequency Generators and Power Amplifiers, in particular for Industrial, Scientific and Medical applica...


Shaping Energy Waves
LEANFA Srl unipersonale
Via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, 6
70037 Ruvo di Puglia (BARI)
Tel: +39 0804042874
Part.Iva / VAT 07638540729
Cap. Soc. € 30.000 I.V.
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